Our Address:
1867 Sioux Rd, Lindsborg KS 67456
My Cell (620)755-3490
Puppy Buyer Information
It will answer most of your questions!
You have chosen to purchase a puppy from us.
Please continue to read all of the information below.
Below you will find probably too much info! Take your time.
We want our puppies to have wonderful lives. This journey starts with us as the breeder.
It ends with you, the new owner. We fully trust that you are getting prepared for this new puppy.
Maybe some of the info below will help you.
Pick Up Day – What do you need to bring?
Final Payment:
1st bring the final payment. WE DO NOT accept checks.
Our preferred method of payment is cash.
We do understand that some may travel very far to pick up their puppy and it’s not safe to carry that much cash. For those of you who travel far, we can accept PayPal or Card.
We have fees that add up when using both of those so when possible please pay in cash.
If you are not comfortable carrying the puppy back home with you on a passenger’s lap please bring a crate.
A medium-intermediate size crate is good. Place a towel inside.
Bring a second towel just in case a replacement is needed.
If you are driving far and must travel with your puppy over a few hours you can bring a dish and a bottle of water.
It is a good idea to purchase some canine electrolyte for your new puppy. Transition into a new environment can cause stress and runny stools. Electrolytes can help balance this out and keep the stress down. We recommend giving your puppy electrolytes for the first few weeks in the new home with you.
Below you will see an example of an electrolyte powder we like!
To have it on hand when you bring your puppy home, order it now.
You may click on any of the pictures below to be taken to the website/page that provides more info!
Bring paper towels and gallon-sized zip-lock bags so if your puppy has a mess in the car you can pull over and clean it up with the paper towels and seal the mess into a zip-lock bag to dispose of when you get home.
We like to use Simple Green. It’s non-toxic and very good at cleaning up puppy messes.
Bring a spray bottle along with you to clean up any mess this puppy makes.
You can bring more and you can bring less. Just use good judgment.
A lot of this is determined by how far you have to travel with your new puppy.
You will be given a puppy pack on the day of pick up.
This pack includes:
*Starter Food / We feed: Wildology Play
We will be sending you home with a small bag of this food for easy transition and potty training.
It is still a good idea to go purchase a bag of your own to have when the small bag we send home with you is all gone.
We recommend a spoonful of Whole Plain Yogurt, twice daily as the puppy grows!
Better than any supplement you will receive natural probiotics and calcium for your growing puppy!
NOTE: GSP Female puppies - it is common to have a slightly inverted vulva as a puppy.
No surgery is needed!
Let your puppy have a few heat cycles before you spay as close to two years of age.
Usually with a cycle or two, the inverted vulva is corrected (All on it's own).
Just another reason to wait until this breed is 2 years of age to spay.
However, please be responsible. Don't allow your female dog while in heat to be around other male dogs.
When your dog has a heat cycle, keep that area clean!
Keeping that area clean can help prevent an infection that can occur during and after a cycle.
Also, a dogs heat cycle is on a 7-7-7 schedule!
7 days bleeding (Coming into heat)
7 Days is (STANDING HEAT) This is when your dog can get pregnant! (Not bleeding as much)
And the Final 7 days are coming out of heat.
If your female dog comes into heat, keep her away from any male dog for 1 month after the bleeding begins!
We don't want any (ACCIDENT) litters. And you don't want anything hurting the development of your growing puppy.
God news! GSP dogs usually cycle later than other breeds.
Their 1st cycle may come between 10 months old and 1 year old. Which is super nice!
They will have a heat cycle every 6 months after the 1st.
Another great puppy essential is Organic Cranberry Juice!
A must have in every puppy owner’s fridge. Especially those female puppies.
It is very normal for a puppy to get a little “Puppy UTI”.
The female puppies mostly get UTI's. However, if you notice your puppy going pee a lot more than normal, go ahead and start the cranberry juice to their water daily. If you see no changes in 2 weeks, visit your Veterinarian.
Antibiotics possibly will be needed.
For a week-2 weeks, dilute the cranberry juice into your puppy’s water.
1 tablespoon of Cranberry juice per 5 cups of water.
They love it! This is very safe for your puppy and can clear up most UTI’s or small Bladder infections they may get.
Never give it straight, it is very high in sugar and not good for your puppy if given straight as it can raise their blood sugar. Diluted, it is super safe!
We always keep a
bottle of this brand in our refrigerator as a precaution for puppies and adult dogs
Lets talk about puppy POOP!
Yes, I am going to
take you down the crazy road of puppy POOP.
I would not talk about it if I didn’t care so much about these little
Loose stools can be common in puppies if they are short lived.
When you de-worm your puppy or it goes through a diet change your puppy can suffer from loose stools.
Stress can cause loose stools too!
Loose stools make it very hard
to potty train a puppy.
I want you to add this to your MUST GET before puppy arrives list.
This may help make your life so much easier!
1) Whole Plain Yogurt (As listed above)
2)Psyllium husk powder (unflavored)
Organic is great too! But we are ok with just “Whole Pain Yogurt”!
If you cannot find regular plain, Greek plain is a good alternative.
Regular plain has more probiotics than Greek, but when in doubt Greek works great too!
We use both quite often here.
When we have puppies. We give it almost daily with their kibble.
It adds probiotics into the diet to keep that puppy tummy happy.